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🎙️ Why Your Brand Needs A Podcast!

What’s Up Disrupt Nation?!?!

Are you ready to learn about the biggest opportunity for your brand to explode in 2024?

Let's talk about this super-cool thing called podcasting. The Power Of Podcasting Is Seriously Underrated. It's like a secret weapon for business people and entrepreneurs, but shhh... not everyone knows how awesome it is yet! Let’s talk about the top 5 unfair advantages of building a podcast.

  1. Brand Your Business: Podcasting is like putting on a superhero cape for your brand. You get to show off what you're all about, and let's be honest, who doesn't want to be a bit of a show-off? Your podcast let’s you share your personality and build a real connection with your audience.

  2. Your Voice, Your Clients Ears, Everywhere: Think of your podcast as your very own radio show that can travel around the world. People from anywhere can tune in and hang on to your every word. Talk about being famous! On average, for every hour a customer listens to your podcast, they will feel comfortable spending at least one thousand dollars with your business. So the more they listen, the more they get to know you, the more likely they are to want to do business with you.

  3. Making Friends in High Places: When you have a podcast, you're like the cool kid on the block. Everyone wants to chat with you, especially the big names in your field. It's networking, but less boring. Last year, I was able to interview Grant Cardone on my podcast, for example, who charges $100k+ for one-on-one coaching. Because I have a podcast, I was able to pick his brain for an hour for free. Being a podcast host will give you the opportunity to build a relationship with people who you would normally have to pay thousands of dollars to work with.

  4. Sell Without Selling: Podcasts are like a magic trick for marketing. You're chatting, having a good time, and oops – you just promoted your product without sounding like a TV commercial. Smooth, right?

  5. Be the Boss of Your Own Show: Forget about people telling you what to say. Your podcast, your rules! You get to speak your mind, no filters needed. Take that, censorship!

Now, here's the kicker – you've got to do it right to make it big. And guess what? We're here to help you become the podcasting legend you're meant to be. But hold on, we can't just work with anyone. You've got to be the kind of person who's ready to rock the podcast world.

Need help creating your podcast? Want to brainstorm some wild ideas or figure out how to get people to actually listen? That's where we come in. We've got all the tricks up our sleeve to help you make a podcast that's as awesome as you are. Starting a Podcast is one of the most powerful and important tools you have as an entrepreneur to build your brand while fighting censorship and getting your message out into the world.

So, if you're ready to take on the podcast universe, shoot me an email. Let's setup a call and see if you've got what it takes to work with us. Together, we'll make podcast history!

Tony Delgado