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  • Oscar Garcia – Uulala

Oscar Garcia – Uulala

 Oscar Garcia, a serial entrepreneur, started his journey with the US

Olympic diving team when he was 18, during the Olympic trials there

was an unfortunate injury and Mr. Garcia transitioned from

competitive athletics to business at an early age. Mr. Garcia started

his career at age 18 where he was mentored by the founder of the

fastest growing company listed in Inc 500 for 1993, 1994 and 1995.

He started programming and creating web application in 1997 and

helped 100’s of startups launch their companies. He created state of

the art presentation technology for Ford Motor dealerships that

increased the dealer chains income by $1 million per month per

dealership. Mr. Garcia has over 20 years in technology and web

development as well as a background in public speaking with AT&T

as their corporate social media trainer.  Mr. Garcia has shared the

stage with high powered individuals like presidential hopeful Mitt

Romney and the former president of Mexico Vicente Fox. His

FinTech background in the global payments market helped a startup

generate $60 million in revenue in their first 9 months in business before starting Uulala.

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