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Obsolescence is the New Green

Built into every online and television viewing experience are reminders to do our part to save the planet. And whether we vow to do better, or give ourselves a high five for having solar panels, a fuel-efficient car, for composting or for taking other measures to protect the earth, these days the gravity of the situation isn’t lost on most of us. We expect big business and the news media to do their jobs correctly, making us aware of new and/or improved technologies that help address the mess we’re in with our planet while also promising to make our lives more convenient. 

But Christian Delise believes we’re not asking the right questions, or demanding the right answers. Delise is a car designer known for his unwavering passion and for his unique  innovative capacities. His journey in the industry is marked by his contributions to leading OEM design studios, including those affiliated with Lexus, Lamborghini, Hypervan, Porsche, Toyota, Faurecia and Volkswagen. Delise is committed to making a lasting impact in the automotive world, and he has been relentless in pursuit of this ambition.

His mission encompasses two key facets: acquiring technical expertise in vehicle development and manufacturing, while also delving deep into the human-centered aspect of creating intuitive and aesthetically pleasing vehicles. In the intervals between his corporate roles, Delise founded two independent companies, both dedicated to offering versatile design solutions across a wide range of sectors, from digital media to the dynamic field of medical mobility. His innovative spirit is evidenced by his securing of seven design and utility patents, with several others awaiting approval.

Yet, what truly sets Delise apart is his advocacy for the philosophy of Regenerative Product Modality (RPM). This visionary concept emphasizes the importance of long-term sustainability and circularity in design. Delise firmly believes that automobiles must continue to evolve to avoid obsolescence, preventing them from being abandoned in landfills and ensuring they remain adaptable to the challenges of the future. 

Imagine if cars of yesterday were designed for the changes of tomorrow? How radically different would cars be with the ability to update themselves over time. 

Is the Automobile Industry Doing its Part to Keep Our Planet Green?

Have you ever asked yourself whether car manufacturers are, at minimum, matching your efforts to keep our earth green and healthy with all of this technology? 

“If you’re apprehensive about answering this question, you should be,” Christian Delise says. “This is not to suggest that saving the planet and improving technology aren’t important. However, both issues have their problems. There are big problems, but how we go about solving them in the corporate product sense comes down to clashing ideologies.”  

From his perspective as a car designer, he sees the problem as multifaceted. 

On the one hand, there are companies with products and services that we know keep the world turning. But as Delise states, “We also can’t ignore that these are the same people who have been selling us the same type of thing year after year, just repackaged in shiny new wrapping. The thing is, very few people question this because it doesn’t feel repackaged.” 

Technology allows companies to improve their products and services, and we consumers are delighted to utilize them. Still, as Delise explains it, “We really need to talk about two concepts that aren’t incorporated into most products: sustainability and regenerative. While manufacturing companies believe they’re doing their best to address the world’s needs, the same companies continue to build obsolescence into their products and services, which means they aren’t addressing the world’s needs as decisively as they could.”

Repackaged, But Again, How is This Sustainable and Regenerative? 

Regenerative product modality (RPM) is something Christian Delise thinks about during most of his waking moments (and probably in his dreams as well). If you consider different types of technologically advanced products, from rocket ships and cell phones to computers and cars, all of them have obsolescence built in.  

The clock starts ticking on the first day of your new owning experience. 

What will break down first? And will it break while it’s still in the warranty period, or just enough out of warranty that you’ll need to pay for fixing it out of your own pocket? 

You can update your phone, computer and/or tablet, but only so many times before it becomes obsolete and you need a new one. That is, if you’re fortunate to have bought one that lasted for years. If you weren’t so fortunate, premature abandonment may be your only alternative.

It’s the same with cars. Once car manufacturers started making fuel-efficient cars, they instantly became all the rage. Perhaps not with the ‘built-for-speed’ and ‘the bigger-the-truck-the-better’ crowds, but with most everyone else.

At some point, however, 30 miles per gallon wasn’t enough. Hybrid cars–even luxury vehicles—boast of gas efficiencies that are 20 miles per gallon more than what their non-hybrid counterparts are able to produce, which is awesome! But while electric cars are what consumers seem to want at the moment, by the time they become more affordable  many will have already moved on to the next green alternative. 

A New Paradigm in Design and Manufacturing

We should pause to reflect on how regenerative products could transform our lives, transcending the impact of the next latest and greatest brand new thing. 

What if your car, phone, computer, ironing board, eyeglasses, etc. were built with longevity in mind? What if parts were regenerative and could last for an untold number of years, incorporating new  technological advancements while remaining as relevant and trendy as the day you bought it/them? 

Please follow Christine Delise to see what he’s doing to turn such possibilities into reality.