New Post

Hey everyone,

In this email, I wanted to share with you some breaking news that just happened,

And the lesson you can take from this whole story.

So in case you don’t know this night Israel has officially initiated an assault on Iran, targeting the nuclear facility situated in Isfahan.

Just to give you more context,

Iranian air defenses are actively countering the attacks on their facilities, prompting a halt in commercial flights over Iran. 

Additionally, Israel is conducting airstrikes on sites in Syria and Iraq.    

Iran has declared its intent to retaliate using unprecedented weaponry.

The situation differs from Iraq, as Iran can expect full support from Russia and China.

All eyes are on Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.  

Now, why exactly am I sharing with you all of this?

It’s because I want to teach you a crucial lesson here.

The whole world and life in general is very unforeseeable and anything can happen at any moment.

That’s why you need to be prepared for a potential disaster in the USA and not only.

But I’m not talking about preparing a gun and going to the war to die as millions of other people…

I’m talking about being prepared financially.

Because in today’s world, the most important currency is money.

If you have money, you can live a great life even in the most dangerous times in human history.

Luckily for you, I’m hosting an Emergency Meeting in a few hours from now at 10 PM Est.

So if you want to save yourself from a potential war by reaching financial freedom with AI,

That’s all for now,

See you on the call,

Tony Delgado

P.S. This will be the last call you’ll be getting from me to register for the Emergency Meeting.

So it’s NOW or NEVER.

Better decide to attend the webinar as you have nothing to lose if you attend, yet so much to gain.