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  • Meet Kosta Ouzas, revealing his experience as a publisher, filmmaker and entrepreneur.

Meet Kosta Ouzas, revealing his experience as a publisher, filmmaker and entrepreneur.

This Australian entrepreneur shows all signs of becoming one of the best digital marketing strategists in book publishing.

There have been monumental shifts in publishing since Amazon disrupted it with the Kindle device. And since then other players have entered the field. Apple Books and Nook are striving to get in on a piece of the action. As well as advertising platforms like Bookbub, Freebooksy and Bargain Booksy. All determined to become the number one player in an industry that is torn wide open. But what does this mean for individual authors? How do they navigate this new territory? How can an author reach their audience amongst so much competition?

Thankfully, there are guides that can be found along the way. One of these is a young man who holds expertise across a range of fields. But more recently has made huge leaps forward in the digital marketing space for authors. His name is Kosta Ouzas and he is known for his work as a publisher, filmmaker and entrepreneur.

We all know the future is online. For writers, it is imperative to understand how online platforms have propelled authors to success. Most of these success stories are due to the use of digital marketing campaigns. By maximizing available resources, authors across any gerne can have incredible results. Kosta Ouzas, as a rising digital marketing strategist and expert in the publishing field, can’t emphasize enough the need for a robust and proven digital marketing strategy.

Kosta Ouzas began his career in publishing after graduating from Film School. When an opportunity placed him in a position to work with authors to help market their books he jumped at the chance. This soon turned into a fully-fledged creative agency for independent authors. It became known as Creative Online Publishing and helped authors reach a cumulative total of over 20 million book downloads.

Today, Kosta Ouzas has launched a coaching and consulting program called Self-Publishing Hero. It allows him to work once one-on-one with fiction authors from all across the globe. His digital strategies are helping authors generate 100-200 book downloads each day. And some have moved on to earning five and six figures selling their novels online.

The big message that Kosta wishes to share is that authors need to have a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Without one they will be unable to reach their intended audience and sell their books. The internet has created endless opportunities. It is now time for creatives like writers to leverage that power in the way that business people do.

Kosta wants to show writers and authors how a full-time career can be made from writing novels. He adds that they must learn to treat their work as a professional and approach their success from a business perspective. A proven digital marketing strategy can help authors sell books all over the world. Something that is both extremely exciting and empowering for authors.

Seeing the success his consulting and coaching program is already having for authors, we won’t be surprised if Kosta Ouzas reaches the top of the digital marketing game.

To know more about Self-Publishing Books, one can visit the website, https://www.self-publishinghero.com/.