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Journey to Financial Freedom: The Success Story of Closer Babes


In a quiet German village, Emma Seewald, raised by a single mother with her three siblings, stood apart from the conventional mantra of ‘go to school, study, get a safe job, and work tirelessly for 40+ years’. Emma always felt there was more to the world, instilled by her mother’s encouragement to reach for her dreams and the belief that where there’s a will, there’s a way.

“I knew I could achieve my dreams if I stayed persistent, put in the work, and never quit,” Emma recalls, reminiscing about her early aspirations. Her determination was evident when she pursued student exchanges, absorbing diverse cultures and experiences, ultimately leading her to an American high school in Indiana.

Breaking Barriers: Emma’s Pursuit of Education in California

Emma’s journey to financial freedom encountered obstacles, like her quest to study in California. Despite being statistically an unlikely candidate, Emma embraced her mother’s wisdom and persevered, securing her spot at SDSU in San Diego, California. It was a life-changing moment and an introduction to the law of attraction and the power of envisioning success.

Venturing into Personal Growth: Emma’s Quest for Knowledge

Upon returning to Germany, Emma delved into personal development, attending seminars and connecting with like-minded individuals. While experimenting with various side hustles, she stumbled upon sales and found her passion. This newfound passion led her to connect with entrepreneurs during her semester abroad, reaffirming the power of surrounding oneself with the right people to achieve one’s goals.

The Sales Journey: Triumphs and Success in the Corporate World

Emma’s perseverance and dedication led her to a successful career in sales. She played a pivotal role in establishing a B2B consulting company and achieved remarkable financial milestones. However, her desire for freedom and a flexible lifestyle fueled her dream to work remotely and travel the world.

Founding Closer Babes: Pioneering a Movement for Financial Freedom

Inspired by successful individuals in Dubai, Emma, at just 23, took a bold step, founding her own sales agency and becoming a remote high-ticket closer. Her exceptional communication skills and sales acumen impressed business owners and decision-makers, establishing her as a trailblazer in the industry.

Empowering Women: The Birth of Closer Babes

This pivotal experience led to the creation of Closer Babes, a platform dedicated to helping everyday women achieve financial freedom by mastering the art of remote high-ticket closing. Closer Babes stands as a beacon of empowerment and transformation, with Emma’s journey being a testament to the age-old adage she learned from her mother – “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Closer Babes Mission: Transforming Lives Globally

Closer Babes is more than a sales training and coaching company; it’s a movement aimed at changing lives and empowering women globally. Their mission and vision are clear – to help one million women achieve financial freedom online by leveraging the timeless skill of sales. In a modern world, Closer Babes emerges as a premium entity, offering comprehensive training and coaching to position women for success in the dynamic realm of remote high-ticket closing.

Nurturing Potential: Emma’s Commitment to Empowerment

Through mentorship, guidance, and a vibrant community, Closer Babes nurtures the potential within every woman, unlocking doors to financial freedom and empowering them to thrive in an online landscape. As Emma Seewald’s brainchild, Closer Babes reflects her unwavering belief in the power of persistence and the extraordinary heights one can reach with the right mindset and skills.


Emma’s story is a beacon of hope and a call to action for aspiring entrepreneurs and dreamers worldwide. It’s a testament to the fact that dreams are achievable, and with determination, resilience, and the right guidance, financial freedom is within reach. Closer Babes stands as a tribute to Emma’s journey and her commitment to transforming the lives of women across the globe.

For a free consultation call, simply visit Closer Babes today.