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  • Eli Calderon Morin – Food Stamps on the Blockchain?

Eli Calderon Morin – Food Stamps on the Blockchain?

https://anchor.fm/s/543e2fc/podcast/play/1883009/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fproduction%2F2018-11-10%2F6908143-48000-2-66e5fb3c57d8b.mp3We sit down with Eli Calderon Morin to talk about his new startup All_ebt which aims to put food stamps on the Blockchain! All_ebt is a smart wallet for Food Stamps. Over 54 million Americans receive SNAP (food stamp) benefits each year. They have tremendous purchasing power in aggregate, yet remain under-served by consumer technology.