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  • CNN is trying to RIG the election AGAIN

CNN is trying to RIG the election AGAIN

What’s up Disruptors,

CNN's decision to block RFK Jr. from the debate stage is not just a political move—it's a blatant attack on American Democracy. This isn't about Democrats or Republicans; it's about our right to an open, transparent, and fair political process. Alternative media influencers need to make this go viral. CNN’s not here to report—they’re here to control. Let’s make so much noise they can’t ignore us.

If you still haven’t watched our interview with RFK about his vision for the future of America you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gW6eR2KboQ

Check out some of the heavyweights who are demanding RFK be given a voice:

  • Joe Rogan

  • Elon Musk

  • Jordan Peterson

  • Ben Shapiro

  • Russell Brand

  • Chris Cuomo

  • Patrick Bet-David

  • Tucker Carlson

  • Aaron Rodgers

  • Bret Weinstein

  • Dave Smith

  • Saagar Enjeti

  • Krystal Ball

  • Pierce Morgan

  • Cenk Uygur

  • Shawn Ryan

  • Mike Rowe

  • Sage Steele

  • Glenn Beck

  • Bill Maher

  • Megyn Kelly

  • Andrew Yang

  • Dean Phillips

If you put all these folks in one room, they wouldn't agree on the color of the sky, let alone politics. Yet, they all recognize the importance of RFK Jr.'s participation in the debate. It's clear as day—this issue transcends political lines. It's about the integrity of our democracy.

It's time for ALL of us to work together to continue exposing this corruption. We need to leverage every platform, every voice, every tweet to highlight this rigged system. The more noise we make, the harder it will be for CNN and the FEC to ignore us.

Blocking RFK from the debate doesn't even make financial sense for CNN. Imagine the ratings boost from having him on stage! But CNN is showing its true colors—they're not here for the news; they're here for the narrative. The same “lesser of two evils” BS narrative that they pushed in 2020.

To my fellow disgruntled Republicans, Democrats, and third-party voters, now's the time to act. Flood the CNN help center with emails, demand that RFK's signatures be certified, light up the Federal Election Commission's inbox, engage with the influencers listed above and others who support RFK, and push them to use their platforms to amplify this message and SEND THIS EMAIL to your friends and family to amplify this message.

America deserves, no, DEMANDS a debate between Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr.

This isn't just a fight for RFK—it's a fight for our democracy.

It is time to take action… enough is enough!

If you’re fed up with this rigged game, here’s the move: Call and email the Secretary of State to certify RFK’s signatures. Flood CNN and the FEC with demands. Blow up the comments on posts from the influencers above. Push them to keep the heat on.

Until next time… stay disruptive my friends,

Tony Delgado