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  • Barbara Wainwright: Pioneering Change Through Coaching and Self-Direction

Barbara Wainwright: Pioneering Change Through Coaching and Self-Direction

Barbara Wainwright is a pioneer whose art is not landscape but people. Her path has been a symphony of dreams coming true and potential being discovered. It has taken her through the halls of coaching innovation and into the heart of personal empowerment. 

In 2006, Barbara Wainwright started on a path that would change the face of coaching forever. She founded Wainwright Global, Inc., out of a deep desire to improve people’s lives all across the world. This ground-breaking enterprise, inspired by the need to improve the coaching industry, brought about a paradigm shift in how professionals become certified as life coaches.

Wainwright Global’s core value is based on the idea that change must originate from individuals themselves. Barbara’s acclaimed coaching methodology, the “Wainwright Method,” and her comprehensive training system, which fuses live online and in-person experiences, enable committed individuals to make meaningful improvements to the lives of their clients and, ultimately, to help create a more enlightened world.

The Wainwright Method of Coaching is essential to the success of Wainwright Global. The coaching tools, techniques, and approaches taught in Barbara and her team’s Professional Life Coaching System are designed to produce concrete outcomes for their clients. Measurable, meaningful results that have a profound effect on clients are the hallmark of this approach. Wainwright Global’s coaches help their clients find fulfillment in life by actively listening to them, asking insightful questions, and showing genuine interest in getting to know them and their goals.

Long before she founded Wainwright Global, Barbara Wainwright embarked on a personal transformation and empowerment path. She has spent the better part of two decades learning how to design and administer training programs, curricula, and other systems that benefit both employees and companies. In particular, the AACSB’s recognition of Barbara’s coaching program at the University Graduate Level is a testament to her standing as a pioneer and innovator in the area.

Wainwright Global, with its headquarters in the exciting city of Las Vegas, Nevada, has an international reach. Certified Professional Coaches, educated by Barbara’s one-of-a-kind method, now serve as guides on journeys of personal and professional development for people all over the world. 

Barbara’s commitment to being genuine captures the heart of effective coaching. According to her, the client should feel like an equal partner in the coaching process. It’s an introspective trip where the customer figures out what they want out of life. Coaches use the Wainwright Method to motivate their clients to define their goals, commit to them, and make deliberate progress toward achieving them. This all-encompassing strategy goes beyond the traditional roles of counselor, advisor, and consultant to provide clients with motivation and unbiased direction as they pursue their own personal definitions of success.

She has a devoted audience thanks to her podcast, “The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment,” which explores Eckhart Tolle’s life-altering ideas. In addition, she has a compelling Video Shorts Series called “Show Up for God and God Will Show Up for You in Miraculous Ways,” which is indicative of her commitment to spiritual development and individual agency.

Her written works demonstrate Barbara’s dedication to development and empowerment. By penning books like “The Power of Life Coaching,” “10 Essential Things You Absolutely Must Know Before You Start Your Coaching Career,” and “52 Coaching Niches Working Miracles Every Day,” she has helped people all around the world. Barbara is a sought-after speaker whose thoughts on coaching and transformation have captivated audiences from C-suite executives to academic advisors around the world.

Barbara is a force for good in the world, and that is the simplest way to describe her influence. Those who have had the good fortune to cross paths with Barbara Wainwright have been forever changed by her innovative approach to coaching, her devotion to genuine empowerment, and her unyielding drive to better the human condition. She is making the world a better, more meaningful place through spreading transformation and empowerment.