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  • Ayesha Sehra – Instagram Fitness Influencer

Ayesha Sehra – Instagram Fitness Influencer

https://anchor.fm/s/543e2fc/podcast/play/1877474/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fproduction%2F2018-11-9%2F6867220-44100-1-082c2c1ed2a8b.mp3Ayesha Sehra is a Fitness & Nutrition Coach, Personal Development Coach & Social Media Influencer on a mission to inspire the masses through her Lead With Love movement. Lead with Love is a movement catered to Millennials, all about cultivating a growth mindset in life!My hopes with this movement is to inspire others to live their best lives, move past any limiting beliefs , unlock their full potential and create a ripple effect of positivity and love amongst us all! Especially with social media these days and societal pressures, i want to create a tribe where everyone can go after their dreams and feel supported throughout this crazy journey called life! We are all in this together and it makes the journey way more fulfilling with a community of individuals supporting your growth along the way!