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  • Arian Ney – Why I Deleted My 300K Instagram Account

Arian Ney – Why I Deleted My 300K Instagram Account

https://anchor.fm/s/543e2fc/podcast/play/1877394/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fproduction%2F2018-11-9%2F6866743-44100-1-c536afbe3f8cf.mp3Arian Ney is an impact driven entrepreneur, who has collectively motivated and inspired thousands of people to be a better version of themselves. He is an expert in the field of Social Media and works with some of the most prestigious brands in the world such as LVMH, Montblanc, La Mer, etc. He has been featured in numerous podcasts and articles including Buzzfeed and Entrepreneur Magazine.

In this episode of the Disrupt Podcast Arian tells us why he deleted his Instagram Account at 300K, lessons learned from being mentored by Gerard Adams, what life was like traveling the world and starting is company, social media hacking, social anxiety and much more.