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  • 🤖 AI is the future but at what cost?

🤖 AI is the future but at what cost?

Hey, everyone. Thanks for reading today’s Friday newsletter.

Today, we need to talk about something crucial—something that affects every single one of us and the future we're walking into. It's about the direction our society is headed, pushed by radical policies, corrupt politicians, and, yes, those elite corporations that don't seem to have our best interests at heart. But that's not all. There's this growing shadow over us, the AI agenda, aiming to reshape our world in ways we're just beginning to grasp.

Let's break it down. Across the globe, we're witnessing a seismic shift. Policies that once seemed fringe are now being mainstreamed, not for the betterment of society, but to consolidate power in the hands of the few. Politicians and corporations, in a tangled web of interests, are driving us towards a future where freedom feels like a concept from the past.

And then there's AI. Artificial Intelligence was once hailed as the pinnacle of human achievement, a tool to liberate us, to take on the mundane so we could soar higher. But here's the twist: it's quickly becoming a tool not for our liberation, but for our replacement. Jobs are vanishing, skill sets rendered obsolete overnight, all in the name of progress. But whose progress is it?

We're standing on the brink of a dystopian future, one where individual freedom is a relic, swallowed by a digital leviathan that knows no bounds. It sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel, but it's becoming our reality, piece by piece.

Yet, in this gloom, there's a beacon of hope, a path that remains ours to take: Entrepreneurship. Now, more than ever, the spirit of entrepreneurship, the drive to create, to innovate, to start from scratch, is the key to reclaiming our freedom. It's about seeing the challenges, the AI, the policies, the corporations, not as the end of our story but as the start of a new chapter.

Entrepreneurship is our rebellion against a future that seems written by someone else's hand. It's our declaration that we're not content to be cogs in a machine, whether that's a corporate or a digital one. By building something of our own, we're not just creating businesses; we're laying the groundwork for a society that values human creativity, resilience, and freedom above all.

So, what's our move? Do we sit back and watch as the fabric of our society is rewoven by those who may not share our dreams, our values? Or do we stand up, take the reins, and shape our future with our own hands?

The answer is clear. It's time to embrace the chaos, to see in it the seeds of opportunity. It's time to innovate, to disrupt, not just for the sake of disruption, but to build something better, something that reflects who we are and the world we want to live in.

One day, we'll look back at this moment, at the challenges that seemed insurmountable, and we'll tell the story of how we didn't just overcome them; we turned them into our greatest victories. Let's make sure that's the story we get to tell. Let's make sure that in the face of a future that tries to dictate who we should be, we have the courage to show the world who we really are. Let's get to work.

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Tony Delgado

PS: Never stop believing in yourself