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AccuClients: Pioneering the Future of Intent-Based Marketing

In the forever changing landscape of digital marketing, every click counts. What if you could trigger a process that helps you capture a potential customer without them leaving Google or clicking on an ad? With the help of big data, this concept can become tangible reality.

AccuClients, founded by Chuck Boyce, leverages big data to unravel the power of intent-based searches. This pioneering technique empowers businesses to identify an individual from their search data, discerning crucial information such as their address, income, net worth, homeownership status, and even the apps on their phone. AccuClients allows you to follow them with retargeting or retargeted ads, send them emails, and call them, all while significantly lowering your marketing expenses and virtually eliminating traditional pay-per-click expenses and click fraud risks.

**Intent-Based Marketing: A New Dawn**

For most entrepreneurs and founders, marketing can often be the most daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be. With AccuClients and big data, you can spend less to attract better customers quicker. By harnessing individual online behavior data, intent-based marketing can deliver targeted ads when buyers are most likely to purchase. The result? Your independence from the likes of Facebook, Apple, or Google, freedom from pervasive click fraud, lower costs per lead, faster acquisition of qualified prospects, and valuable insights into where you might be wasting your marketing dollars.

**Unprecedented Marketing Opportunities with Big Data**

The opportunities that big data opens up for marketing are unprecedented. To illustrate this, let’s delve into some real-life examples of how intent-based marketing and big data have revolutionized traditional marketing approaches.

*Intent-Based Smart Searching*: A body scanning imagery company found themselves struggling to distinguish their services from those of competitors. The solution? They collaborated with AccuClients to identify intentional keywords and search terms. In real-time, they could find people who were searching for similar services, collect their data (ranging from income to net worth to location), and then follow up with them on a multitude of platforms. This approach allowed them to connect directly with the thousands of customers who had originally searched for their service intentionally, as opposed to broadcasting their message to millions of random people.

*Intelligent Zooming In*: Big data has made it possible to focus sharply on a highly targeted audience and then market to that audience directly. A law firm, for example, was looking for plaintiffs in a federal mass tort case. Instead of spending millions on broad, nationwide advertising, they used AccuClients to zoom in on the exact individuals who qualified as plaintiffs for the case. They could then reach out to them in ways that resonated with each plaintiff’s lifestyle, whether via mail, email, Facebook, or TV ads.

**Big Data: An Ethical Marketing Approach**

While this may initially sound like an intimidating big-brother scenario, consider the potential benefits for customers. In the case of the law firm, plaintiffs may not have even known they were due compensation. Therefore, using big data can be seen as an ethical form of marketing because it delivers personalized messages specifically to those who need it, avoiding the irritation of irrelevant advertising for others.

Intent-based marketing, backed by big data, is advancing rapidly. It’s all about viewing data through a new lens and capitalizing on the unique potential of data you already have but aren’t utilizing. It’s not a one-size-fits-all process, but rather a groundbreaking way to unlock a vast pool of potential clients and customers.

AccuClients is at the forefront of this revolution, offering businesses the power to harness big data in a way that redefines the digital marketing landscape. Listen to the Capability Amplifier episode where Boyce is interviewed here. So, if you’re ready to read the minds of your prospects, beat your competitors, and take control of your online marketing efforts, visit AccuClients.com and schedule a call with Boyce and his team.