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15 Recommended Online Educational Platforms for Developing Professional Skills

15 Recommended Online Educational Platforms for Developing Professional Skills

15 Recommended Online Educational Platforms for Developing Professional Skills

To help you navigate the vast world of online educational platforms, we asked fifteen professionals, including Founders and CEOs, to share their top recommendations. From Jelly Academy with its digital marketing focus to LinkedIn Learning for integrated professional development, discover the platforms they endorse for developing new professional skills.

  • Jelly Academy: Digital Marketing Focus

  • EdX: Quality Courses and Interaction

  • EuHu: Comprehensive Education Resources

  • MasterClass: Top-Tier Professional Teachers

  • Pluralsight: Affordable Tech Learning

  • Skillshare: Diverse and Affordable Courses

  • Coursera: Prestigious Collaborations and Certification

  • Udemy: Quality and Budget Flexibility

  • Skill Success: Affordable Practical Skills

  • Amy Porterfield: Marketing Tactics Mastery

  • Google Garage and Skillshare: Diverse Expertise

  • YouTube: Versatile Learning Styles

  • Mindvalley: Personal and Professional Growth

  • Khan Academy: Free Educational Resources

  • LinkedIn Learning: Integrated Professional Development

Jelly Academy: Digital Marketing Focus

Jelly Academy was created to fulfill a digital marketing skills gap. It’s an online educational program aimed at increasing digital marketing education and skills training, particularly for underrepresented groups, while equipping them with vital digital skills. 

The platform provides future-focused training, rapid reskilling, micro-credentialing courses, corporate team training, workshops, mentorship, and more. It also adapts to the ever-evolving digital landscape. 

If you are looking to reskill, learn, or fast-track your digital marketing career, Jelly Academy is the place for you. Many students have succeeded in their marketing careers thanks to the platform.

EdX: Quality Courses and Interaction

If you’re looking for high-quality courses from top colleges across the world, including Harvard and MIT, then EdX is a strong suggestion. It’s a great option for working professionals interested in serious study. 

EdX also offers MicroMasters and Professional Certificate programs that can give you a career advantage. The platform promotes group study and provides a lively arena for students to interact with one another.

Mark McShane, Electrical Training Manager, Skills Training Group

EuHu: Comprehensive Education Resources

From my experience in the education sector, I highly recommend EuHu by Findel. This platform caters specifically to educators, professionals, and anyone keen to enhance their skills within the academic realm. It presents an intuitive interface, paired with comprehensive resources, making it a leading choice for those aiming to stay updated in the education field.

Before I joined the team, EuHu was my personal favorite for skill acquisition. I was able to gain insights from subject-area specialists and connect with peers for inspiration. The program is available at no cost and also provides avenues for mentorship and discussions with seasoned experts across diverse educational domains. 

They also offer an extensive collection of articles and podcasts where you can get valuable insights into modern educational methods, teaching skills, lesson design strategies, and evolving trends.

MasterClass: Top-Tier Professional Teachers

MasterClass may not be the first platform that comes to mind for “professional skills” courses, but it is highly recommended. The business courses offered are extremely useful and often overlooked. The platform engages top-tier professionals to teach their classes, making them highly engaging. 

While some material may not be as technical as other courses, the sessions are captivating. The reality is that regardless of the class, only a few key points will be taken away. Therefore, it’s beneficial to be entertained and learn from the best in the field. 

For instance, there are classes on business leadership from Howard Schulz and strategy with Bob Iger. This level of prestige in a teacher is unparalleled elsewhere. Considering the price, it’s deemed well worth it.

Pluralsight: Affordable Tech Learning

Pluralsight is a great online educational platform to develop new professional skills, especially for Disrupt Magazine readers that are interested in learning about new technologies and skills. Pluralsight offers a variety of affordable subscription plans on a wide range of technology topics such as cloud computing, business analysis, software development, data science, and more. 

The courses are taught by industry experts and are designed to help learners develop the skills they need to succeed in their careers. Quizzes, polls, and hands-on coding exercises help learners to stay engaged and retain the information they are learning.

Learners can create personalized learning paths based on their individual goals and progress at their own pace. Pluralsight is a great online educational platform for anyone who wants to develop new professional skills, especially in the tech industry.

Belen Garcia-Saldaña, Marketing Coordinator, Achievable

Skillshare: Diverse and Affordable Courses

Skillshare comes highly recommended, particularly for creative content creators and other professionals. The platform offers a wide range of courses that are conveniently broken down into smaller lessons. It’s super affordable too, with a monthly subscription giving you unlimited access to their entire course library!

Years of being a loyal Skillshare student have led to the acquisition of a variety of cool skills, from video editing to digital illustration, productivity hacks, and useful business-related skills. The bite-sized format of the courses makes it easy to fit learning into a busy schedule of an entrepreneur, and you have the freedom to explore different subjects as your interests change.

Coursera: Prestigious Collaborations and Certification

For the self-driven learner, I often champion Coursera. Their collaborations with leading institutions like Stanford and Yale mean users have access to some of the world’s finest minds, right from their living room. 

The platform’s vast array of subjects caters to virtually any profession, and their commitment to offering certified programs grants a tangible advantage in the job market. Given the balance of quality content, academic prestige, and flexible learning methods, it is undeniably a game-changer for those looking to pivot careers or deepen their expertise.

Udemy: Quality and Budget Flexibility

Udemy comes highly recommended. Having been a user of this platform for years, it stands out as the best. 

The layout is commendable, allowing course selection based on interests or needs, and the flexibility to set a budget that suits. The courses are of high quality, easy to follow, and consistently updated to meet the latest industry standards.

I have taken a few courses on Udemy, including one on how to use Adobe Illustrator (a favorite design tool!) and another on how to build apps with Python 3 (a current coding obsession). Both have proven to be great resources for continuous learning of new skills and enhancing career options.

Rengie Wisper, Marketing Manager, SupplyGem

Skill Success: Affordable Practical Skills

Skill Success, as the name implies, is an excellent online educational platform for developing new professional skills. The platform’s affordability sets it apart, offering a wide range of courses at a fraction of the cost compared to some other platforms. This accessibility allows individuals from various backgrounds to access high-quality learning materials to develop new skills. 

The Skill Success subscription model grants users unlimited access to their course catalog, enabling them to explore multiple subjects and skills with no individual course purchases. This flexibility promotes continuous learning and skill diversification, essential in today’s ever-evolving job market.

In addition, the platform’s emphasis on practical skills, with many courses designed to provide hands-on experience, ensures that learners can apply their skill-based knowledge directly in their professional fields to become result-driven and thus competitive.

Jehanzaib Ahmed, Regional Director of Sales and Marketing, Digital Vaults

Amy Porterfield: Marketing Tactics Mastery

There is no doubt that we are in a creative industry boom like never before. As a result, we need to make sure we are always ahead of so much competition. This is why it is imperative to constantly educate ourselves on the latest within our specific creative niche. 

A top choice for creatives to stay optimal in all things marketing for their business or brand is Amy Porterfield’s courses! Amy is an online marketing expert. Her courses are 100% fail-proof, and she makes them so easy to follow. She has a natural and relatable approach to all her teachings, which helps the student feel confident and do away with any imposter syndrome that might want to sneak in. She has various courses to choose from, all centered around strong marketing tactics that will hands down skyrocket your business.

Charlene Lazewski, Media and Entrepreneurial Lifestyle Expert, Charlene and Co. Media

Google Garage and Skillshare: Diverse Expertise

Google Digital Garage offers some of the best digital marketing courses from professionals. Google, a market player that keeps up with the times, knows how to make a quality product. The material is free, so gaining new knowledge is possible for everyone—the main requirement is desire.

Skillshare is ideal for those who want to develop creative and practical skills. Many professionals are represented on the platform, and information from them is exclusive to this site. The service is appreciated for its many creative people who offer non-standard ideas.

Iana Varshavska, Digital Marketer and Yoga Therapist, Yanva

YouTube: Versatile Learning Styles

I recommend YouTube for learning new professional skills. It’s not a typical learning site, but it offers many ways to understand new things, catering to different learning styles, making it a personal favorite. We can see various ways of understanding a topic, which can be really helpful.

However, since anyone can upload on YouTube, caution is necessary. It’s crucial to pick videos from people who really know their stuff, ensuring the skills being learned are accurate and reliable.

Kevin Hall, Marketing Operations, Webserv

Mindvalley: Personal and Professional Growth

No good professional is stagnant in their development. A good professional is always looking to grow in their careers, and what better way for a company to show they care about that progress than by offering subscriptions to educational platforms?

Mindvalley is far and away one of my favorite online platforms because it offers both personal and professional development classes. There are practice exercises and video lessons from therapists, authors, entrepreneurs, and international speakers, creating a well-rounded well of knowledge for professionals to dive into.

The membership options are relatively inexpensive. There are daily, monthly, and annual membership options, and the price depends on how many people in an organization are using it. We use the monthly membership option; we have 12 employees, and we pay $150 per month. A worthwhile investment to see our employees grow and thrive.

Stefan Campbell, Owner, The Small Business Blog

Khan Academy: Free Educational Resources

Khan Academy stands out from the crowd due to the fact that it provides excellent educational resources at no cost to the user. While it may not lead to official credentials, it is a great way to learn the basics or brush up on subjects. Everything from algebra to economics is available at Khan Academy. It’s a great resource for independent learners and those trying to save money.

Claire Jill Parker, Director of Business Management, GoVisaFree

LinkedIn Learning: Integrated Professional Development

LinkedIn Learning, with its integration with the LinkedIn professional networking platform, stands out as the right platform for skill development. Upon course completion, the earned certificate can be showcased on your LinkedIn profile. This not only highlights qualifications but also attracts employers seeking skilled professionals. The site also facilitates networking with other professionals who are eager to share their insights. 

LinkedIn Learning’s recommendation algorithm tailors course suggestions based on profile, career history, and interests. This streamlined approach assists in choosing the right courses for gaining professional skills.

LinkedIn Learning is the top choice for cultivating professional skills. Its seamless integration of social and learning elements is beneficial for professional growth.

Ryan Carrigan, CEO and Founder, moveBuddha

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